Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"The Jesus People Are Here"!

This morning Drew and I had driven thru McDonalds so that we could take breakfast to that really cute family that we know (, when Drew yelled out "The Jesus people are here!" Even though it was morning rush hour, I whipped my head around to see what or who he was talking about. Out of the corner of my eye on the property of McDonalds was a nativity scene already set up. I laughed to myself and once again thought between Claire and Drew who needs to pay for entertainment! I recall last year that Joseph was referred to as Josie and Mary! And I remember very distinctly last year when Drew and Claire were talking on the phone, Claire talking about a caterpillar that she had that would soon turn into a chrysalis and Drew said ever so confidently, "I have a Christmas List, too"! Does it really get any cuter than that? Well, let me tell you that it really does. There is nothing cuter than Cohen, who just turned 2, when asked who is the president of the United States and he replies, "Barack Obama"! It actually sounds like Rock Amama but if you could see his cute little smile you can't help but kiss that beautiful little face! Which is exactly what he wants, our little love bug! Have I mentioned that Mr. Nanny and I get to keep these cutie pies for about a week? I'm sure there will be pictures and stories to tell! Oh.....and to my beautiful mother, I have the kids on video saying there prayers and "hi" to their Grammy! I've not posted a video before but I'll work on it! This cute picture is of our ever so cute, Cohen praying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful,cute,funny and I could just cry with pride!!!! Give hug's and kisses to them all and I can't wait to see you.